Yumo appeared on 17 episodes

Playing 78 tracks

Playing 67 tracks across 4 sets with an interview

Playing 94 tracks

Playing 85 tracks

Rhettmatic of the legendary beat Junkies Crew graces us with a 50 minute set + an in depth interview.
Playing 90 tracks across 3 sets with an interview

Joe Kay returned with an immense amount and plenty of new ideas/inspiration after Coachella Weekend 1.
Playing 76 tracks

Take a deep breath and slow things down with Joe Kay
Playing 84 tracks across 3 sets

ESTA., The Whooligan and Joe Kay five you a special sonic experiance.
Playing 83 tracks across 4 sets with an interview

Soulection 3 Year pre-party Celebration!
Playing 67 tracks across 5 sets with an interview

Little Sims joins Joe Kay with an exclusive Soulection mix.
Playing 73 tracks across 3 sets with an interview

Joe focuses on new tracks from forthcoming Soulection releases.
Playing 79 tracks

Zikomo gives us a special 1 hour set of exclusive tracks
Playing 75 tracks across 2 sets

Joe Kay focuses playing dropping just over 100 tracks in 3 hours
Playing 101 tracks

Co-founder of The Melt “Kloud” spins a diverse set of house, R&B, soul, 2-step and bass.
Playing 76 tracks across 3 sets with an interview