Show #427
Saturday, Sep 28, 2019
Music inspired from the Joe Kay experiance USA tour. “Intimate 4 hour shows just are not enough”
Playing 65 tracks
Music inspired from the Joe Kay experiance USA tour. “Intimate 4 hour shows just are not enough”
Playing 65 tracks
LAKIM takes over Soulection this week live from Atlanta, Georga.
Playing 67 tracks
Playing 62 tracks
Playing 62 tracks
Playing 41 tracks across 2 sets
Playing 40 tracks
Playing 94 tracks across 2 sets
Joe focuses on new tracks from forthcoming Soulection releases.
Playing 79 tracks
Continuing Joe Kay’s 24th birthday celibration with precise selections that you either forgot about or never heard.
Playing 99 tracks
Joe Kay focuses playing dropping just over 100 tracks in 3 hours
Playing 101 tracks